Monday, April 27, 2015

50 (D-12) Cajun humor / Quiz 3

So much information I give you every day.  Every day for two whole months! 
In English we say "All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl."
(In fact, it's "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." but in France we must have "parité" and in English we must be politically correct and not always use the masculine form.)

So, it's time for a break.  A bit of Cajun humor for you today. 

My students have heard these jokes in class already, but I'll share them with everyone.

First, a dialogue between Thibodeaux and Boudreaux (very typical Cajun names).

Thibodeaux:  Boudreaux, did you get the parrot I sent you for your birthday?
Boudreaux:  Yes, it was good!
Thibodeaux:  You ATE the bird??!!
Boudreaux:  Of course I ate it.
Thibodeaux:  That bird spoke FIVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!
Boudreaux:  Then he should have said something!

A few years ago, the School Board hired an American teacher who had just finished her studies at the university.  Her job was to teach first graders (CP) at a little school in the bayou.  The new teacher was having a difficult time because her first graders spoke very little English (and, of course, she didn't speak French).  She thought,  "If only I could teach them to count to ten in English, I will have accomplished something."  So, with that in mind, she began the lesson.  "Class," she said, "Say one."  The class responded "One."  "Very good class," she said.  "Now, say two."  And they all left.


READ IT ALOUD (à haute voix).


-dull =  boring   ....No, never!!!
-get  = here "get" means "receive"
-a parrot = a bird that can "talk"
-he should have said =  il aurait it dû dire
-school board = commission scolaire
1. What can we observe when we compare the population of New Orleans in 2000 with its population in 2014?  Why?
2.  What is "Le Vieux Carré" of New Orleans called in English?
3.  Jackson Square in New Orleans --> Who was Andrew Jackson?
4. Do you remember who Marie Laveau was?
5.  What can you have to eat and drink at the Café du Monde in the Vieux Carré?

Need help refreshing your memory?  
Return to Posts 10 - 14.

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