Monday, April 20, 2015

43 (D-19) Le Grand Dérangement, Part 2 / Cajun Dancing

The Great Upheaval = Le Grand Dérangement

First, a brief history lesson:
Acadia was founded in the 17th century in Nova Scotia by the French.  In 1713, it became British.  Acadians remained neutral during persistent conflicts between the French and the British. But the British were afraid that the Acadians would side with France so in 1755 their homes were burned, the families were separated and deported.  In all, of the 14,100 Acadians in the region, approximately 11,500 were deported.  Most were sent to the British colonies along the East Coast of North America, others were sent to Britain and France (Belle-Ile-en-Mer). 

Double click to see the map better.

The Acadians arrived in Louisiana starting in 1764 until 1768, coming from the British colonies on the east coast or from Halifax via St. Domingue.  From 1768 to 1785 no new Acadian settlers arrived in Louisiana.  

Henri Peyroux, de la Coudreniere (1743-18??) was a French politician and author who organized sending the exiled Acadians from France to Louisiana.  Louisiana was ruled by the Spanish at that time and Peyroux made a deal with the Spanish.  About 1600 Acadian exiles sailed for Louisiana between May and October 1785.

Of the 11,500 deported, some historians estimate that nearly fifty percent died as a direct consequence of the expulsion. 

Numbers:  Acadian arrivals in Louisiana -->  20 from New York in 1764, about 311 from Halifax in 1764-65; about 689 from Maryland and Pennsylvania in 1766-70; about 1600 from France in 1785; and 19 from St. Pierre in 1788.  More came in over the years, but documentation on their arrival is still being sought.

Secondly, going from past to present:
Yesterday you discovered the story of Le Grand Dérangement through a video and song.

Today, this Grand Dérangement has become La Joie de Vivre.

Cajun Dancing...Would you like to learn?

Or you can go to Challes Les Eaux...

Jane...who says: "Laissez le Bon Temps Rouler!"
to side with = se mettre du côté de
sought  (seek- sought- sought) = chercher

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