Sunday, April 26, 2015

49 (D-13) Cajun Music / Fais Do-do / Quiz 2

Fais do-do is a name for a Cajun dance party.  Go to sleep little ones so that Mama and Papa can dance all night!

Cajun music instruments:
The fiddle, the melodeon and a metal triangle

Some Cajun music for you: 

Joli Blon
Joli Blon, ma chere 'tit fille
Gardez donc quoi t'après faire
Joli Blon, tu croyais
Il avait juste toi dedans le pays.

Eh a ha!  Eh a ha!

Joli Blon ma 'tit fille criminelle
Jol blon, tu m'as laisse moi tout seul

A later version:

Joli blonde, regardez donc quoi t'as fait,
Tu m'as quitté pour t'en aller.
Pour t'en aller avec un autre, oui, que moi
Quel espoir et quel avenir, mais, moi, je vais avoir?
Jolie blonde, tu m'as laisse, moi tout seul,
Pour t'en aller chez ta famille.
Si t'aurais pas écouté tous les conseils de les autres
Tu serais icitte avec moi aujourd'hui
Joli blonde, tu croyais il y avais just toi,
Il y a pas just toi dans le pays pour moi aimer.
Je peux trouver just une autre jolie blonde
Bon Dieu sait, mois j'ai un tas.

Another version:

Jambalaya is a delicious Cajun dish.  But it's also a song I love.

Goodbye Joe me gotta go, me oh my oh
Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou
My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou.

Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see ma cher amio
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o
Son of a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou.

An old video, but it's fantastic.  The boy's name is Hunter Hayes.
You can find many other versions of this song on youtube.


Other Cajun groups:
Breaux Brothers (Breaux Frères)
Pine Leaf Boys
Magnolia Sisters 
Bruce Daigrepont (L'Acadie à la Louisiane:  Return to Post 42 (D-20) on this blog)

1.  Can you remember one nickname for Louisiana and one nickname for New Orleans?
2.  Where is the source of the Mississippi River?
3.  In what year did René-Robert Cavelier de la Salle claim the Louisiana territory for France and name it in honor of The Sun King, Louis XIV?
4. What name did the British give to Baton Rouge when the territory was turned over to them from Spain in 1763?  
(This is a difficult question. You may have to go back to Post 8 D-54.)
5. Three Flags Day, March 9 and 10, 1804:  What three countries each ruled over the Louisiana Territory, one after the other, during these 24 hours?

Need help?  Go back to Posts 5 to 9.

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