Sunday, April 5, 2015

28 (D-34) The National World War II Museum

We will be leaving for Louisiana on May 9th.  I intentionally waited until the 9th to allow the group to be in France on May 8th, a significant date.  It will be the 70th anniversary marking the end of the Second World War (also written World War II or WWII).  I am certain there will be many ceremonies in our towns and cities everywhere in France (and Europe).  Victory Day* is an official national holiday in France.  This year it will be a special national day of remembrance and gratitude for the freedom we cherish today.

In New Orleans we will also take time to look back at World War II, but through American eyes.  On May 12th, we are going to visit The National WWII Museum.  What an opportunity to visit this museum in May of 2015!

The Museum opened on June 6, 2000, the 56th anniversary of   D-Day.  Some people may wonder why The National WWII Museum is in New Orleans, a city known for other tourism sites but which is not usually associated with 20th-century military history. The Museum opened as the D-Day Museum, focusing initially on the amphibious invasion of Normandy, then opening a second gallery exploring the amphibious invasions of the Pacific War. Because the Higgins Boatsvital to D-Day operations, were designed, built, and tested in New Orleans by Higgins Industries, the city was the natural home for such a project

Furthermore, New Orleans was the home of historian Stephen Ambrose, a longtime professor of history at the University of New Orleans.  He served as the historical consultant for the movie Saving Private Ryan, and he spearheaded the effort to build the Museum.  He also wrote the book which inspired the mini-series Band of Brothers (Frères d’Armes)

The Museum closed for three months after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans in 2005, re-opening on December 3 of that year. A museum banner promoted this re-opening by proclaiming "We Have Returned," a phrase made famous by General Douglas MacArthur regarding his eventual return to the Philippines in 1944.

This museum was designated by the U.S. Congress as "America's National World War II Museum" in 2003, and the Museum maintains an affiliation with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. The museum's objective is to emphasize the American experience in World War II.

The National WWII Museum's exhibits show us the war that changed the world, in a voice that is intimate and personal, right in the heart of New Orleans. Exhibits not only highlight the role of world leaders, but also the everyday men and women who found the strength and courage to accomplish the extraordinary.

Currently housed in three buildings, each arranged around central themes of the war, Museum exhibits offer visitors an opportunity to experience the war through the eyes of the men and women who lived it. 

Jane...who apologizes for making this so long today, but it is very interesting, n'est-ce pas?!
Victory in Europe Day, generally known as V-E Day, VE Day, or simply V Day.
to wonder =  se demander
to focus on something = se focaliser sur quelque chose
to design =  dessiner 
furthermore =  de plus, en outre
to spearhead =  être à l'origine de 
mini-series =  un téléfilm en plusieurs parties
banner =  une banderole
to promote =  promouvoir
regarding = à propos de
to emphasize = mettre l'accent sur le fait; souligner
exhibits = les expositions
right = here, exactement
housed =  here, "house" is a verb, abriter 

Higgins boats:  

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