Wednesday, April 15, 2015

38 (D-24) Avery Island /Tabasco sauce

The next day we'll visit Avery Island.  
Avery Island is actually a huge dome of rock salt, three miles (5km) long and two and a half miles (4km) wide. 
The island was named after the Avery family, who settled there in the 1830s.  But, long before the Avery family, it was the Native Americans who had discovered the massive salt dome.  They boiled the water to extract salt which they traded to other tribes.

Before the Civil War, Edmund McIlhenny married into the Avery family and later, in 1868, he started his business.  His product has come to your kitchen no doubt!  You do use Tabasco sauce sometimes, don't you???  Look at the bottle.  "Avery Island, Louisiana USA". It's made on Avery Island!  We can buy a bottle when we are there.
But before then, I'll share the recipe that is on my bottle, here in my kitchen.  I bought it at Super U!  

La vinaigrette qui réveille les salades
1 petite échalote hachée
1 cuillère à soupe de vinaigre balsamique de Modène
2 cuillères à soupe d'huile de noisette
quelques gouttes de Tabasco
Mélanger tous les ingrédients en terminant par l'huile. Verser sur une salade et servir!


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