Thursday, April 16, 2015

39 (D-23) Bird City

We'll also be visiting the bird sanctuary on Avery Island.  Under the Avery/McIlhenny family's management, Avery Island has remained a natural paradise, inhabited by many animal species, as well as by exotic plants from throughout the world.  In 1895, Edward Avery McIlhenny founded a bird colony, now called Bird City.  Why? Because at that time it was fashionable for elegant ladies to wear hats with beautiful feathers, bird feathers, egrets' feathers.  Plume hunters killed egrets by the thousands.  Edward gathered eight young egrets, raised them in captivity on the island and released them in the autumn to migrate across the Gulf of Mexico.  The following spring, the birds returned to the island with others of their species, a migration that continues today.
The snowy egret is so beautiful.   Take a look at this slideshow to see these birds and their beautiful feathers.;avery%20island;snowy%20egret/i-xHRVQL6

This one is NOT a photo of Jane!

Jane, with no recipe today!
-species = espèces
-as well as = ainsi que
-from throughout the world = du monde entier
-gathered / raised / released / returned = Can you get the meaning of these verbs from the context?

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