Thursday, April 9, 2015

32 (D-30) A little nostalgia before leaving New Orleans to go to Houma

It will soon be time to say good-bye to New Orleans.  

After visiting the St Charles district, Lake Pontchartrain and a couple of the city's beautiful parks, we leave in the afternoon of our fifth day, May 13th to go south.
A last look at New Orleans before we "hit the road".
Look at this google map.,-90.1020695,14z
Can you find St Charles Avenue where we can take the St Charles Streetcar Line?
Follow St Charles Avenue from The National WW II Museum (east) to Audubon Park (west).  You can see that Coliseum Street is to the south of St Charles Street.  (Coliseum Street, where my grandparents lived.  And Camp Street is where my godparents lived!)  I remember visiting Audubon Park when I was little.  I particularly remember the Spanish moss hanging from the trees.  It's a beautiful park; you can see many birds there too. The park was named in honor of artist and naturalist John James Audubon, who began living in New Orleans in 1821. 
City Park is to the north, near Lake Pontchartrain. Click again,-90.1020695,12z   to see where Lake Pontchartrain is, and City Park....and Gentilly, where I lived. One more:,+New+Orleans,+LA,+États-Unis/@30.0022686,-90.0525881,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x8620a8ebdd309f05:0x870b373b3207319c
Maybe you can find my street, Wingate Drive!
Gentilly Terrace was where I first went to school.  Kindergarten.  Here's proof: 
If you zoom, can you find me???

More proof: 

In the afternoon we leave New Orleans to go to Houma (about 100km).  Click this webpage and then click DRAW MAP.,+LA/to/New+Orleans,+LA

And here's where it is on the map of Louisiana.

Jane (a little nostalgic) 
In case you didn't find me in the class photo: 

hit the road =  American slang; to leave, to begin one's journey, especially on a road trip; "Hit the road, Jack" by Ray Charles, means "go away", "leave me alone", "get lost"

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