Monday, March 9, 2015

1 (D-61) Introduction

DAY 1 (D-61)  61 days before we leave.
I am very happy to take a group from UIAD (Université Inter-Ages en Dauphiné in Grenoble, France ) to Louisiana this year.  It will be a 10-day trip to discover this unique part of the USA, but this trip FOR EVERYONE will be for two months!  Come to this blog every day from March to May to travel to Louisiana on your computer...and do a little English every day at the same time! Sometimes just a short sentence or two.  Sometimes a paragraph.  Sometimes very easy English.  Sometimes a little more complex.
Sometimes I'll give you a site you can go to for more information.  Sometimes you can read; sometimes you can see photos; sometimes you can listen.

Using your English to discover Louisiana.

A trip for everyone.

First, the long journey:
Grenoble to Paris -->  575 km
Paris to Atlanta, Georgia -->  7040 km
Atlanta to New Orleans --> 770 km   
TOTAL:  approximately  8400 km
(we also say about 8400 km or roughly 8400 km)

For pronunciation"roughly"

Louisiana, with Texas to the west, Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east and the Gulf of Mexico to the south.          For pronunciation-->  

Jane,  UIAD English teacher, 

who was " a little-bitty baby" in New Orleans, Louisiana.     The original 1940 recording, by Leadbelly, an African American folk and blues musician from Louisiana  (1888-1949)
Learn more about him if you like: